Staci Dubovik
Staci is an Agile Coach at Vistaprint in Waltham, MA, having just returned from a year in their European headquarters in Barcelona, Spain. When Vistaprint integrated Experience Designers into Scrum teams in 2014 she was trained in the Emergn Value, Flow, Quality (VFQ) agile education framework. This led to a new role for the Agency as an Agile Coach, driving positive change and facilitating the adoption of agile principles and practices for 140 creative employees on 3 continents. Integrated with HR’s Talent + Experience team, Staci continues to influence the enterprise transformation.
All sessions by Staci Dubovik
The Pivotal Role Agile Champions Play in Vistaprint’s Enterprise Transformation
Apr 26, 2019
11:25 am - 12:10 pm