As you are aware, many events are being cancelled across the country due to concerns around COVID-19, and an increasing number of companies (and individuals) are instituting policies that preclude in-person attendance at events. The Agile Maine Day conference planning team feels that it our responsibility to support efforts to minimize any opportunity for this virus to spread, and after careful consideration and discussion we have elected to cancel our scheduled, May 15, 2020 Agile Maine Day conference.
We will be issuing refunds to all registered participants, and we are no longer accepting new registrations. We apologize for the inconvenience and we look forward to your continued support and participation in future events, including virtual events such as webinars. We will keep everyone updated as these become available.
VIRTUAL CONFERENCE OPPORTUNITY! We have made arrangements with the Triagile 2020 conference planners to provide an Agile Maine $20 discount for the virtual conference they are hosting on April 1, 2020! If you are interested, please visit their website at and use the following discount code when registering: AGILEMAINE.
Agile Maine Day Planning Team