Claudio Perrone

Agile Sensei

Claudio Perrone

Agile Sensei


Claudio helps organizations experiment so their business grows.

He is a well-known Lean & Agile management consultant, entrepreneur and start-up strategist, based in Dublin, Ireland.

Claudio’s Agile journey started in 2001 and, as founding member and CTO, served and grew a world-class software organisation which won several awards, including, in 2005, the “New Company of the Year” software industry award by the Irish Software Association.

Today, he brings models, experience and options to top organizations across the world, ranging from fast-growing technology start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.

His passion is to help teams and individuals develop insanely-good habits of thinking and bring the best of their work to the world.

As an award-winning public speaker, Claudio shares thought-provoking ideas and practical techniques through visual storytelling and his own cartoon-style illustrations.

Claudio considers himself an activist by invention. His Lean thinking tools are used by hundreds of companies worldwide.

Lately, his obsession about exploiting uncertainty (rather than merely survive it) led him to the creation of PopcornFlow (  — an anti-fragile philosophy and decision cycle to introduce, sustain and accelerate change via ultra-rapid experimentation. PopcornFlow is already impacting businesses, individuals, families, schools, special-need kids, social activists, governments, and more.

Claudio is currently developing a PopcornFlow-based digital platform to bring the fight against personal and organizational inertia to planetary levels.

All sessions by Claudio Perrone