Understanding A Holistic Approach To Change: Insights Into Why Our Efforts Fall Short and What To Do About It.
This a one-day workshop for anyone that is interested in learning about a holistic and sustainable approaches to effective organizational change, transitions, or improvements.
The world has reached a key moment in the history of the way we work. Many organizations today are too costly, too slow to adapt, too unresponsive to customers, and too limited in creativity and initiative to respond effectively to the challenges of the twenty-first century. The challenges that they’re facing are far more complex than at any time in the past.
The organizations that will survive and thrive are moving forward along an evolutionary spectrum, toward self-management, agility, wholeness, and a deeper sense of purpose. There is urgency to address the fundamental problems through Lean and Agile change initiatives. However, the brutal fact is that about 3/4 of all change initiatives fail.
These initiatives are no longer novel, yet gaining value from their investment in time, money, and effort continues to be elusive.
We’ll look to expand our perspective from looking at only parts of a system to holistically sensing the entirety.
Regardless of your role at work, this experiential session will open possibilities and also inform and invite concrete actions for you. We believe that change starts first with each of us; you’ll learn what *you* are called to do differently to bring about the change you wish to see.
Learning Outcomes:
- Introduction and working knowledge of the Integral Agile Transformation framework
- Learn how to use this framework as a compass for coaching Agile transformations or transitions in your organization
- Understanding where you are on the evolutionary spectrum are and where you might wish to develop
- How to broaden the perspectives we bring to solving the toughest problems we encounter
- Fill in gaps in understanding about what supports effective organizational change
- Learn how to create a meta-map, whereby any organizational situation or dilemma can be easily placed and mapped to an appropriate approach.
- Learn what it takes to grow deep and sustainable organizational agility
- Understand Adult Stages of Development and its application to leadership and business results
- Understand organizational structure and the impact they have on organizational performance and agility