Llewellyn Falco


Llewellyn Falco


Llewellyn Falco is an independent agile coach. He discovered strong-style pair programming. He is the creator of the open source testing tool ApprovalTests( www.approvaltests.com ). He spends most of his time programming in Java and C# specializing in improving legacy code. He is the co-founder of TeachingKidsProgramming.org & co-author of Mob Programming Guidebook.

If you would like to get a sample of him, check out his Practical Refactoring talk ( https://youtu.be/aWiwDdx_rdo )

All sessions by Llewellyn Falco

Mob Programming, with TDD and Continuous Integration

Apr 25, 2019
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Room 115

Cutting Code Quickly

Apr 26, 2019
10:20 am - 11:50 am